Genesis Jeremiah Matthew Sermons 

Mothers Weeping, Children Rejoicing

Genesis 35:16-20; Jeremiah 31:10-17; Matthew 2:13-18 December 30, 2018 • Download this sermon (PDF) Dear Congregation of Christ: Here’s a Christmas Day tweet from a self-styled ultra-liberal socialist U.S. Representative-elect: “Joy to the World! Merry Christmas everyone – here’s to a holiday filled with happiness, family, and love for all people. (Including refugee babies in mangers + their parents.).” She was comparing the migrant caravans trying to cross into the U.S. illegally, to Joseph and the pregnant Mary going to Bethlehem to register according to the order of Caesar Augustus…

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Hebrews Jeremiah Sermons 

Jesus the Superior High Priest of the Superior Covenant

  Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 8:1-13 (text) February 19, 2017 •  Download this sermon (PDF) Congregation of Christ: Let me read a quote from a recent article by a well-known seminary professor: before [Israel’s] monarchy, the historical nature of the biblical accounts is either utterly unclear or in direct tension with the general outline of history that has come to light in the past century or so. Historically speaking, we really don’t know where the Israelites came from, and the exodus and conquest stories, which are so central to the biblical…

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