Christmas John Luke Psalms Sermons 

“Of the Father’s Love Begotten”

In the New Testament, the Son of God begets sons of God – children of God – when they believe in his name (John 1:12, 14). And when Christ returns, God would have accomplished what he had planned from creation: perfect communion between him and his adopted children in a new heaven and new earth where his people will dwell with him “evermore and evermore!”

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Christmas Isaiah Luke Sermons 

“What Child is This?”

Scripture Readings: Isaiah 9:6-7; Luke 2:8-14 December 16, 2018 • Download this sermon (PDF) Today is the third Sunday of the Advent season. This season, the month of December, I’m preaching on the beautiful songs of Christmas, and how they refer to the Bible. In the last two Sundays, we studied the hymns, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” and “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming.” Today, we will study the beautiful Christmas hymn, “What Child is This?” This is one of the more Biblical modern Christmas hymns. It came from…

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Christmas Luke Psalms Sermons 

“Joy to the World!”

  Psalm 98:1-9; Luke 2:8-14 December 24, 2017 • Download this sermon (PDF) Beloved Congregation of Christ: “Merry Christmas!” “Happy Holidays!” “Are you ready for Christmas?” These are a few greetings that we usually hear every Christmas season. Today is one of the most important days of the year for Americans. All of us long to be “home for Christmas” or “home for the holidays,” so we can gather together with our families. And we also love to sing and listen to our favorite Christmas carols. Speaking of Christmas carols,…

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Advent Christmas Christmas Hymns KSYC Program 

“What Child is This?”

  Isaiah 11:1; Song of Solomon 2:1 December 17, 2017 (KSYC) • Download this article (PDF) Today is the third Sunday of the Advent season. This season, the month of December, I’m preaching on the beautiful songs of Christmas, and how they refer to the Bible. In the last two Sundays, I spoke about the hymn, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” and “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming.” Today, I chose the beautiful Christmas hymn, “What Child is This?” “What Child is This?” is one of the more Biblical modern…

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Christmas Isaiah Luke 

“Glory to God!”

Isaiah 52:7; Luke 2:14 December 25, 2016 • Download this sermon (PDF) Congregation of Christ: “Today this message [of peace] goes out to the ends of the earth to reach all peoples, especially those scarred by war and harsh conflicts that seem stronger than the yearning for peace.” So preached Pope Francis on Christmas day this year. Citing our text about peace on earth, he went on to call for peace in Syria, Palestinian territories, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, South Sudan, Congo, Ukraine and Myanmar, places where war and terrorism seem…

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Acts KSYC Program Luke 

Glory to Man, Glory to God

  Genesis 11:1-9 (text); Luke 2:8-14; Acts 2:1-11; Revelation 7:9-12 December 14, 2014 (KSYC) • Download this article In 1889, the race to build the tallest building in the modern world began when the 896-foot tall Eiffel Tower in Paris was built. In 1931, Empire State Building in New York became the tallest building in the world at 1,250 feet. But in 1967, the Ostankino Tower in Moscow towered over it at 1,762 feet. In 2007, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, literally went over the top at…

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Christmas Sermons 

Our Only Comfort and Joy

  Readings: Isaiah 40:1-5; 42:5-7; Luke 2:22-35; 2:29-32 (text) December 24, 2014 • Download this sermon (PDF) Finally, the promised Seed of the Woman, the Offspring of Abraham who would be the Blessing to All Nations, the Prophet greater than Moses, the Son of David who would be the Everlasting King, has come! He was born of a woman, but conceived by the Holy Spirit. Although “in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell” (Col 1:19), because of God’s love for his people, he came down from…

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