First Covenant Services in the Promised Land

  Joshua 5:1-12; Acts 2:38-47; Heidelberg Catechism 75 & 76 July 2, 2017 ● Download this sermon (PDF) Congregation of Christ: As we continue our study of the Book of Joshua, we found the Israelites crossing the Jordan River. God stopped the flow of the river upstream so the people made it safely across on dry ground. And God melted the hearts of the Canaanites on the other side in fear so they did not oppose the crossing. Today, we come to the scene at Gilgal where Israel camped after…

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Hebrews Jeremiah Sermons 

Jesus the Superior High Priest of the Superior Covenant

  Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 8:1-13 (text) February 19, 2017 •  Download this sermon (PDF) Congregation of Christ: Let me read a quote from a recent article by a well-known seminary professor: before [Israel’s] monarchy, the historical nature of the biblical accounts is either utterly unclear or in direct tension with the general outline of history that has come to light in the past century or so. Historically speaking, we really don’t know where the Israelites came from, and the exodus and conquest stories, which are so central to the biblical…

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